Saturday, 4 February 2017

Welcome to my Spiritual Blog, Your Energy will always be high for Happy Living

You are welcome to my world of spiritual blog. Over the years, I have had the push and urge to start this blog, having gone through various spiritual journeys with instructions from the devine  and with instructions to share them and my wanting to have them in print and online content.

Having experienced a source of energy from a divine source and benefited from them, I am going to be writing on the unseen and the seen.  I am already prepared for this in my mind and spirit. The only goal is to show man roads of peace and happiness trough understanding of the unseen and live at peace without pretense with himself and his environment plus knowing that there is a source of his existence. As human, you need to understand you maker's manual for you to operate yourself to the maximum.

I am a product of a creator and so I am created to be creative also. I will be writing about secrets of the ages from the old time masters and the saints of the old as well as the saints of today and the future.

Spiritual levels are 100% in quantification and you have to pay the price in terms of working to attain a great level like anything in life. Unfortunately, most of us have also been groping spiritually. You have power inside of you to be happy in the life. Therefore, realizing and recognizing who you are is important. No man has the authority over you except you give it to him. God has given you the physical and the spiritual, therefore exercise it.

This blog will write openly on various religion, spirituality, timeless secrets, happiness and personal development as well as mysteries of life.

I will be posting or updating this blog only twice a week and I promise to write what I have learned, experienced and what  time masters have also experienced. I will be writing about a deeper meaning about the Universe and how to use the divine force for your happiness as long as you dwell on this plane called earth.

It will be engaging , educating and entertaining.

Stay expectant as I start with the secrets of dreams in my next and first real post.

Welcome with Love
My name is Henry Omenogor

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